Synonym: arrest, backtrack, chase away, check, contain, dispel, double back, drive away, drive off, drive out, hold back, invert, regress, retrovert, return, reverse, revert, run off, stop. Similar words: back, turn, turn on, back up, back of, back on, turn out, turn to. Meaning: v. 1. retrace one's course 2. go back to a previous state 3. force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings 4. hold back, as of a danger or an enemy; check the expansion or influence of 5. turn inside out or upside down.
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61 When the needle indicates 1 to 2 dots on the scale Turn back on to the inbound heading.
62 It's believed they were shot after ignoring advice to turn back.
63 Can we turn back the clock and revive the system of predetermined roles?
64 Just as a ratchet turns easily one way but can not turn back, so genetic defects inevitably accumulate.
65 Tonight, in a special report, we turn back the clock to 1963.
66 Turn back to page six, please.
67 Turn back to page ten please.
68 Superman's gonna fIy around Earth and turn back time?
69 Turn back the clock because we're BACK IN TIME!
70 Turn back to page 16.
71 I wish I could turn back the clock.
72 The plane had to turn back to Berlin.
73 We have no choice but to turn back.
74 Britain is on the right track. Don't turn back.
75 It is impossible to turn back the clock.
76 I do not see why I should e'er turn back.
77 Notice what it says,("Forces sent by him--he shall turn back and pay heed to those who forsake the holy covenant."
78 Just as the narrator of his novel Ignorance regards Odysseus's return to Ithaca as accepting 'the finitude of life,' Kundera cannot turn back and continues his odyssey.
79 I turn back and sigh for life. people wanna different thing. until now I know she devoice with S . long time ago , I tried to cooperate with their music company , nobody know future .
80 The danger is certainly a lion in the way; you can go ahead or turn back. Which will you do?
81 Now however that you've come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly stoichea?
82 Richard wished that he had lived in frontier days, but he can't turn back the clock.
83 The danger is certainly a lion in the way; you can go ahead or turn back.
84 NIV Then I will teach transgressors your ways , and sinners will turn back to you.
85 While you can not turn back the clock you can take control of your life.
86 The energy absorbed by the electronic load simulator can be turn back to the utility system.
87 Thacher asked him to a farmland and find a wheatear which is the bigest and the most golden. He just had one choice and he can just walk straight, never turn back.
88 To end this chapter let us turn back to the previous century for a moment.
89 I wish I could start all and turn back to my freshman life.
90 For an agoraphobic person, it's a difficult and frightening experience. Some may turn back to head back to the safety of home.
More similar words: back, turn, turn on, back up, back of, back on, turn out, turn to, turn off, turn up, in turn, return, turn in, hold back, set back, pay back, cut back, call back, back away, turn down, turn away, go back on, give back, look back, backyard, draw back, keep back, feedback, go back to, turn over.